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 Is your online reputation damaged? We can help!


A bad reputation will wreck your relationships, cost you career and personal prospects, take you down, and fundamentally change how you see yourself in the community. It’s a long way to fall to rock bottom, but the positive thing is you can claw your way back up.

Knowing how to restore your reputation after a blunder is critical, particularly if you want to bounce back stronger than ever. Follow these eight moves to make a worthy comeback.

remove negative news articles from google (5)
remove negative news articles from google
  • Assess the situation:

Before you make any decisions, you must first understand what you’re up against. Examine how many aspects of your life have been impacted, how severe the harm has been, and what part you might have played. Is this a case of frustration or real reputational harm? Try to assess the situation from an outsider’s point of view and without jumping to conclusions.

When you have a better understanding of the situation, distinguish what you can handle from what you can’t. You have no power over what others think or feel about you, but you do have control over your own behaviour. Concentrate your energies on areas where you can make a substantive, effective difference. Don’t spend resources on something that you can’t control instead.


  • Ask For Feedback:

Are you still uncertain of what happened and who is to accuse? Get expert advice from a few reliable friends who will have a more balanced perspective on the issue, like what you might have done to trigger it and what you have to do to resolve it. A bystander’s critical viewpoint on the personality and the problem at hand, as well as practical guidance on moving on, can be valuable.

You may even ask a very close confidant to serve as your authentic voice. They will keep you responsible for your actions while you try to restore your legacy, and they will serve as a daily reminder of who you are aspiring to be.

hide defamatory content online - reputation ace (11)
hide defamatory content online – reputation ace
  • Take action to control Damage as soon as possible:

If you realize that your reputation might, in particular, need a new look, begin the process as soon as possible. Minimizing the damage as much as possible would help remove the obstacles to getting back to normal. Build a damage management plan based on your assessment and the input of your friends. Begin by breaking down your “negative reputation” into elements, and then create a list of activities to help you fix everyone.

For example, if you’ve developed a reputation as a slacker at work, the action measures could involve scheduling early alarms to be on time, taking on extra work to demonstrate that you’re not shirking responsibilities, answering emails more quickly, sending in reports when they’re due, and helping to do a coffee run for your coworkers.


Moving Quickly To Repair Your Reputation

The more you can get in front of a challenge, the less time it has to grow more.


  • Clear Things and misunderstandings:

A ruined reputation can often be directly linked to gossip, propaganda, and misconceptions. If you are not guilty of the allegations brought against you, you can begin your public damage management effort by clearing up any misunderstandings. Reach the individuals who have been spreading lies privately, clarify the situation, and request that they cease.

Then, talk to other people who have been impacted by the rumours. When addressing the issue, be specific, but also cool, compassionate, and sincere in your effort to move ahead.

If you avoid addressing the issue publicly in the hope that it will magically vanish, you allow people’s imaginations to run wild and rumours to spread.


  • Do what you say, Actions speak louder than words:

Your actions help to maintain a strong reputation. Spreading positivity is one crucial thing you can do, but it is far from the only thing you can do. Consider other opportunities to earn your way back into people’s good graces.

 Stop any damaging habits, such as gossiping, talking negative, excessive drinking that have previously harmed or harming your reputation in any way (or stand to hurt it further). If the people you hang out with are adding to your problems, consider expanding your social network. Don’t slander or defame others behind their back. Overachieve both at work and in your personal life. If your digital life has contributed to a negative perception of your persona, take a break from social media and start practising more positive things.

Everyone will be noticing you a little more carefully after you get a black mark on your reputation, so do your best work to make it impossible to keep a deep resentment against you.


  • Reinvent Your Circumstances:

Consider a future self who is well-liked and free of the stigma of negative perception. How that person would behave?  What values and rules he will follow? What qualities does he uphold? What actions and characteristics do you value about him? Set expectations for yourself based upon that future you, and evaluate all behaviours in relation to whether they are consistent with that vision. If anything does not fit with the new and improved man you are striving to be, consider it carefully before doing or saying anything.

With practice, people will note your genuine attempts to grow and reconsider their perception of you as a consequence. And if they don’t, you should rest assured that you’re growing into a happier, smarter, kinder, wiser individual, nothing is more important than that.

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repair online reputation – reputation management – reputation ace