Sometimes Google won’t remove your bad review… What then?

Sometimes it is not possible to remove reviews from Google. Google wants to provide accurate and truthful information to users, so reviews that have been posted cannot be deleted. The best way to address a negative review is to respond to it in a polite and professional manner. This shows other users that you are willing to address any issues and helps to maintain a good reputation. You could also ask the person who left the review if they would be willing to change or remove their review, but ultimately, the decision to leave a review is up to the individual and you cannot force them to remove it.

While it is possible to flag a review on Google as being fake or fraudulent, this does not guarantee that the review will be removed. Google has strict policies in place to ensure that reviews on their platform are accurate and truthful. If a review is found to be fake or fraudulent, it may be removed. However, this decision is ultimately up to Google and cannot be influenced by users.

To flag a review on Google, you can follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Google Maps page for the business that has the review you want to flag.
  2. Find the review you want to flag and click on the “Flag as inappropriate” link below it.
  3. In the window that appears, select the reason why you are flagging the review and click “Submit”.

Google will then review the flagged review and take action if necessary. However, please note that flagging a review does not guarantee that it will be removed. Google has strict policies in place to ensure that reviews on their platform are accurate and truthful.



Here are a few techniques that you can use to minimize the damage of negative reviews and encourage positive reviews:

  1. Respond to negative reviews in a polite and professional manner. This shows other users that you are willing to address any issues and helps to maintain a good reputation.
  2. Offer incentives for customers to leave positive reviews. For example, you could offer a discount or free product in exchange for a positive review.
  3. Request that satisfied customers leave reviews. Many customers are willing to leave reviews if they are asked, so don’t be afraid to ask.
  4. Monitor your online reputation regularly and respond to any negative reviews as soon as possible. This can help to prevent negative reviews from affecting your business too much.
  5. Offer excellent customer service and high-quality products or services. This can help to ensure that most of your customers are satisfied and are more likely to leave positive reviews.
  6. Consider using a reputation management service to help you manage and improve your online reputation. These services can help to identify and respond to negative reviews, as well as encourage positive reviews.