reputation management in 2022 - protect your online reputation

Reputation Management in 2022 – Protecting Your Online Reputation

Protecting your online reputation is not the obscure and intangible idea that it may have been in 2012. 10 years on, now and we’re moving into 2021 – reputation management simply put, is social media management, and having control over your business assets.

This idea isn’t groundbreaking anymore! If you are a business of any size, whether a local small retailer, or a giant multinational corporation: you still have to have full control over your social media across all channels.
Now when you consider social media management you may not understand that this is inherently linked to reputation management. The problem is during the last decade these components have been separated. You may have somebody that does Facebook social media for you – which means posting, replying to comments, and putting out content every now and then…

This simply isn’t  adequate in building your business reputation in 2022

If 2021 was about building your brand and controlling your online presence; then 2022 is about harnessing this network to develop & distribute “on brand” content across all social media networks, and positive assets, and controlling the online conversation and sentiment about your business. This has to be done holistically.

Having somebody do your social media is so passe. It’s not what is needed now in 2022.

If your social media management team, company, or individual, is just replying to some comments and posting something a couple of times a week on Facebook – it simply won’t suffice! You need regular content across all channels all of the time. The message should be targeted to different segments depending on the particular social media profile.
For example LinkedIn may be for your business-to-business content, or at least providing a professional image. Spreading awareness of companies you work with, charities that you work with,  or sustainable goals. Whereas Facebook may be about dealing with customers, and clients on a personal level. Maybe showing more of the individual, or personal brand, in order to build connection and communicate trust and character.

Utilise different social media channels to protect your online reputation

You may use YouTube in a different way. YouTube may be used for corporate videos, or customer testimonials depending on who you would like to reach, and the segment you are targeting… However all of these can be interlinked with a general theme and the maximum output of your content rather than just concentrating on Facebook, or just tweeting every now and then.
Twitter should also be used in short segments to repurpose the longtail message that you have. So you may have articles, brochures, blog posts,  and communications within the business. Twitter is the ideal form to use 240 characters to just grab a segment, a quote, a headline, or something small, short and catchy. Providing a link to images and videos, so that Instagram,  TikTok, and YouTube can be integrated into your tweets.
reputation management in 2022 - protect your online reputation
reputation management in 2022 – protect your online reputation

Reputation management is simply online marketing in 2022

Content marketing strategy is all the same thing – it’s all being brought into one thing. Ultimately anything that you put out online, in any form, is reputation management. Therefore it must have an overarching strategy inline with your brand image, and if you don’t have a brand image this is something that you need to consult over – so that everything that you put out is “on brand”.
Within your own brand message there can be many different facets and many different directions. You can talk about your personal interests, as well as the goals of the business, and everything in between. From customer satisfaction, to employee retention. What is key is that regular content is put out across the social media channels. So in 2022 the overarching theme is to look at your social media in a completely different light.

Using Social Media for Reputation Management

reputation ace - reputation management - utilising social media to control search results
reputation ace – reputation management – utilising social media to control search results

Social Media isn’t new anymore… web 3.0 is coming!

Social media is not the new big kid on the block anymore!
Soon we will be moving much more to video, sound, and the metaverse. As you can tell with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg changing the name to Meta.

Welcome to the Metaverse

The metaverse is something which Disney, Veve, Facebook and other social media companies are developing very quickly. Soon there will be the emergence of real-life use of virtual reality, and augmented reality. You may also hear this as AR and VR. The metaverse is the future, and  that is where attention is going to be driven to in the future.
Right now social media is the most relevant it has ever been. Google searches are the most relevant they have ever been. Therefore in 2022 you must get a hold of it quickly, because you do not want to be left behind.

Reputation management is holistic online marketing and brand building in 2022

If you need reputation management – if you have anything you want to hide, or you just need to build and strengthen your online presence so that you don’t fall behind in your industry contact us for a chat.
reputation management specialists - reputation ace - uk company 0800-088-5506
Reputation Management Specialists – REPUTATION ACE – UK Company – Call us free on 0800 088 5506