Reputation Management Online Sentiment Analysis Services UK

We can monitor and track your online reputation

Reputation Ace can Track and Monitor the Online Sentiment of Your Business

 Natural language processing (NLP) is used in sentiment analysis to recognise and quantify the sentiment of text, video, or pictures at scale. It is most typically used to identify bad reviews or articles on the internet fast and effectively.

Reputation Ace designed strategies incorporate over a decade of online brand management expertise. A thorough command of the resources that may assist our clients in building, enhancing, and preserving their positive online reputations is part of our business technical expertise.

The tools we employ serve many tasks, all with the express purpose of assisting us in doing more and better work. Although new tools are constantly being developed, most of the tools used for reputation research may be divided into a few broad categories. Some of our go-to’s are mentioned in this article.

Let’s dive into it!


What is Online Sentiment Analysis and why it is important?

A simple audit of your social mentions informs you how many people are talking about your business on the internet. But what exactly are they saying? This question can be addressed via social media sentiment analysis.

After all, a large number of mentions may sound great at first. However, if there is a torrent of negative comments, it may not be that amazing after all. Peloton, for example, witnessed a significant increase in mentions after launching their Christmas commercial at the end of 2019. However, the emotion reflected in those mentions was mostly negative.


AI to Track and Monitor the Online Sentiment

Artificial intelligence is frequently used in sentiment analysis to determine the emotional state of an online mention, such as a social media post. We generally think of sentiment analysis as a metric of customer pleasure or a drive of customer loyalty, but sentiment analysis may be used to meet a variety of other business objectives. It may, for example, be used to track people’s sentiments and views about your company.

This involves tracking web page and social media mentions, as well as search results, to learn how people feel about a business. We can do thorough sentiment analyses by tracking these mentions, analyzing and characterizing the overall attitude toward you or your company.

  • Social Mention: This service collects all of the social buzzes about a specific name or keyword and organizes it in one position. We can figure out who is talking about you, where they are talking about you, and even the phrases they are using to describe you.
  • If this, then that: IFTT enables us to create web-based “recipes.” For example, we may configure it such that whenever your name appears in an RSS feed from a specific website, we receive a notification. We’ll never miss a mention, from Wiki to Fb and Twitter.
  • Rank tracking – watching visibility


Certain technologies explain why some websites score higher than others for a particular search phrase. Comparing your search phrases to those of your rivals reveals areas where we may improve. We can also use these methods to predict how difficult a project will be and which attempts will be most likely to succeed.


Tracking sentiment location

 These technologies enable us to think of the bigger picture, advising us on which areas to target for search engine marketing, which languages to develop for, and where material should be hosted.

  • Alterian: This tool shows us exactly where you stand in the international marketplaces, from management to statistics. We can trace mentions in various countries and languages, allowing us to target our resources where they are most wanted.
  • Google Alerts: Websites and social media sites that are popular in the USA may be irrelevant in other regions. We avoid missing important information by tracking all references throughout all websites in Google’s results.

Every plan we devise includes a set of tools that have been carefully selected to assist us in completing the task at hand. They are our data partners, allowing us to be your reputation management solution.


Tools for sentiment analysis

There are several tools available for measuring sentiment. Here are a few popular options:

There are many other tools available to assist you, and the decision is important based on your business, time, cost, and resources. Most importantly, it is critical to consider the appropriate measures for taking action on this sentiment, as well as thinking critically about how you can truly enhance, sustain, or modify this sentiment over time.


  • How Reputation Ace Can Help You and Your Business


Reputation Ace is a business that manages online reputations. We assist organizations and people in repairing, protecting, and enhancing their online image and brand reputation. We at Reputation Ace will help you track issues early and measure improvement.


Tracking conversations about your business can be time-consuming, and many of the tools available aren’t worthy of your time.  So why waste time, when a team of professionals is here to help you.


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