Why keyword rich domains rank so well in Google 

Keyword rich domains for reputation management

In the past, it was common for people to believe that having a keyword in the domain name of a website would help the site rank better in search engine results for that keyword. This is because search engines used to place more weight on the exact match of a keyword in the domain name.
However, Google and other search engines have evolved over time and now use more complex algorithms to rank websites. While having a keyword in the domain name may still be a factor that is taken into account, it is no longer as important as it once was.
There are many other factors that search engines consider when ranking websites, such as the quality and relevance of the website’s content, the user experience provided by the website, the website’s loading speed, and the website’s overall authority and credibility.
Therefore, it is important for websites to focus on creating high-quality, relevant content and providing a good user experience, rather than simply trying to include specific keywords in their domain name.

The best part of using keyword rich domains

Having a keyword in the domain name of a website can still be beneficial in some cases, as it can help to establish the theme and topic of the website and make it easier for users to remember.
For example, if a website’s domain name is “bestgardentools.com,” it is clear to users that the website is likely about gardening tools and may be a good resource for finding information about different types of gardening tools and how to choose the best ones.
However, it is important to note that having a keyword in the domain name is just one factor among many that search engines consider when ranking websites. It is not a guarantee of high search engine rankings, and websites should not rely solely on this factor to try to improve their ranking.
Instead, websites should focus on creating high-quality, relevant content that provides value to users and on providing a good user experience. These are much more important factors in achieving high search engine rankings and driving traffic to a website.