Reputation Management Company Reputation Ace Repairs Your Online Reputation

How can I monitor my online reputation?

Monitoring your online reputation is a crucial thing to do as a business or individual.

As a business, it is important to know how you are perceived by your online audience which will be your current customers as well as potential ones. You may know already how you are perceived online – whether that be good or bad. However, there are some ways you can monitor your reputation so that you can make the right decisions as a business and build on what you already know.

  • Read online reviews about your business – they provide real insight into what your customers think of you and how you operate. They are an excellent tool for business – it can give you direction and ways to improve which you had not considered. They can often be very critical, but that can give you a clear indication of something you can improve. If they are great it is a real confidence boost and prove that you are doing the right things.
  • Google your business – have a look at page 1 and how your business is reflected on the page. Is it prominent? Is the website description clear and concise? Do the search results give an accurate representation of what your business is and what it does? Are the images that are displayed accurate and professional? If you are unhappy with anything on the page you can take steps to make changes. That is what reputation management is all about – managing and improving your online image and how you are perceived by your target audience.
  • Set up Google Alerts for your business – this will allow you to see if anything new appears online for your business name and is a gentle reminder to audit regularly.

If you are concerned about your business reputation online – whether that be a negative review or you simply want to improve the perception of your business, contact our team today to have a chat. We work with a variety of businesses around the world to grow, improve and develop their reputation which not only helps their online image but ultimately translates to stronger sales.

To speak to us about building your reputation, please call us 0800 088 5506.

Reputation Management Company Reputation Ace Repairs Your Online Reputation