personal reputation management

How to repair my personal online reputation?

How to repair my personal online reputation?

We speak to clients all the time regarding situations that they have found themselves in online that they would like to change. Some examples of this include:

  • A mention of their name on a negative blog post or article
  • A slanderous comment about them on a website
  • Old forum posts that mention their real name
  • Images that they would prefer were not online anymore but display in the search results

These are just a few examples of personal reputation issues that we deal with on a daily basis. There is a sense of permanence online, particularly when seeing an old image that still appears from 2006 in the search results! Luckily however, that is not the case. With careful and strategic SEO methods we have great success in reshaping the search results. It is not always easy, but it can be done!

One of the most satisfying elements of our job is that we can really help people. It can be so damaging to feel like your name is being harmed from something that has been said about you. Many clients feel that their personal online reputation negatively effects their professional opportunities. Sadly that is the case – employers as well as customers often search online and if they find negative or damaging things about you it will influence their opinion of you.

Regularly audit yourself

This is really important, especially if you have a prominent position in a company for example. Google yourself and really think about how people will perceive you. Anything remotely questionable can have a huge impact. It is important to consider who your audience are and how they will feel when they search for your name. It worth analysing how your name appears on Google regularly to stay on top of it.

If you have something online that appears when searching for your name and you are not happy with it, get in touch. We can advise on how best to delete or amend it, and reshape the search results. Think of it as a regular pruning of your image. We don’t stay in the same wardrobe for our whole lives, your online image is seen by even more people! It is hugely worth investing in your personal online reputation.

To speak to us about building your reputation, please call us 0800 088 5506.