Do I need a new website?

That is a question we get asked quite a lot and it is a valid one. If you already have a website for your business or product, then why would you need a new one?

Outdated functionality

Well, there are a number of factors to look at to determine whether or not a new website would be beneficial to you. Firstly, how old is the website? Has it been online for 10 years and is looking a bit tired? Often, older websites are updated less frequently and have old code and plugins that are not functioning properly. This will definitely impact your visibility on Google. The search engines like fully functioning, up to date websites and worth considering.

Often older websites don’t have modern functionality that newer sites have. For example, some are not able to be viewed well on phone and do not resize well between different devices. Others have outdated Flash animations that no longer work. These some of the most popular reasons for needing a new website.

Not pleasing on the eye

Another factor is aesthetics and whether your website best fits your identity now. It may be that it worked well for you several years ago, but you have evolved as a business but your website hasn’t. A fresh, modern and clean design can really showcase your business in a new light and attract new customers.

Do people stay or do they go?

If you are unsure, there are ways of assessing data to see if your website really is a hit or miss. We can look the Google Analytics of your website and see whether it is proving popular with your target market. One piece of data which is always interesting is what is known as the ‘bounce rate’. This means simply, how long do people stay on your site for before they leave. So ideally you want a low bounce rate- you want people to stay online and either visit other pages or make a purchase. But if people click on your website and then leave quickly, it shows that they are not finding your website useful or easy to navigate and so leave. These pieces of data are hugely useful if you really want to see how people use your site – and they are definitely important when considering how you want your target market to interact with you online.

If you are considering a new website for your business or service, please get in touch with us and we can go through how we can help in much more detail.



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